Anexo II:Bibliografía Seleccionada

AuthorLuis Torras
ProfessionMiembro del Claustro Senior de Cátedra China
Luis Torras
Miembro del Claustro Senior de Cátedra China
y Advisor del proyecto Dialogue with China
asian DeveloPMenT Bank: Asian Development Outlook 2011 Update:
Preparing for Demographic Transition, septiembre, Manila, 2011.
Banco MunDial: China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and
Creative High-Income Society, marzo, Washington D. C., 2012.
BauM, R.: Burying Mao: Chinese Politics in the Age of Deng Xiaping,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996.
Becker, J.: Hungry Ghosts: Mao’s Secret Famine, New York, Owl
Books, 1996.
BergsTen, C. F.; BaTes, G.; larDy, N. R., y Derek, M.: China: The
Balance Sheet, New York, Public Affaires Books, 2006.
BregolaT, E.: La segunda revolución china, Barcelona, Destino, 2007.
chellaney, B.: Asian Juggernaut: The Rise of China, India, and Japan,
New York, Harper, 2010.
chunhou, Z., y vaughan, C. E.: Mao Zedong as Poet and Revolution-
ary Leader: Social and Historical Perspective, Lenham, Lexington
Books, 2002.
conquesT, R.: The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the
Terror-Famine, New York, Oxford University Press, 1986.
DaWson, R.: Confucius: The Analects, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1993.
De soTo, H.: The Mystery the Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in
the West and Fails Everywhere Else, New York, Basic Books, 2000.
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