China's Evolving Case Law System In Practice

AuthorSusan Finder
Susan Finder
One of the many judicial reforms designated in the latest round of
judicial reforms is developing China’s case law system. This reform
was among those highlighted in the Central Committee of the
Communist Party Decision concerning Several Major Issues in
Comprehensively Advancing Governance According to Law (4th
Plenum Decision) and Opinion of the Supreme People's Court
(hereinafter the "SPC") on Deepening Reform of the People's Courts
Comprehensively (4th Five-year Court Reform Plan) (further
described below). It further builds on many years of discussions
within the courts, the initiative of Judges Hu Yunteng and Jiang
Huiling and others affiliated with the SPC’s Institute of Applied
Jurisprudence in the middle 2000s 1 as incorporated into previous
judicial reforms.
The conventional wisdom among both foreigners and some
Chinese scholars writing about case law is that with the exception of
a small number of guiding cases approved by the SPC, previous
cases do not have any precedential value. Those closer to the world
of practice in China know that previous cases, or some portion of
them, are indirectly shaping the development of Chinese law. The
guiding and non-guiding cases constitute what is sometimes
described as the case guidance mechanism (案例指导机制).
The non-guiding cases are not directly binding, may not be cited
in court judgments, and do not have precedential value. They can be
used as a source of reference (参考). In practice, however, they form
a type of soft precedent frequently used by Chinese legal
professionals in a variety of ways, with the intellectual property
courts taking the lead. Senior judges involved are careful to
distinguish China’s case law system from the Anglo-American
precedential system.
This article will first describe how Chinese legal professionals are
using cases, other than those approved as guiding cases, as “soft
precedent,” explain why they are doing so, the role of the SPC in this
development, and what this portends for the evolution of China’s
case law system.
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1 Hu Yunteng (云腾), Yige Dafaguan yu Anli de 38 N ian Qingyuan (一个大法官与案例的38年情
) [A Judge's 38-year Affection for Cases], 20 MINZHU YU FAZHI [民主与法制] (DEMOCR. & LEGAL
SYST.) 13-17 (201 7), available at Jiang
Huiling (蒋惠岭), Renzhen Duidai Zuowei “Dongtai Fadian” de Anli (认真对待作为“动态法典”的
案例) [Treat Cases Seriously as a“Dynamic Code”], RENMIN FAYUAN BAO (人民法院报) [PEOPLES
CT. DAILY], Aug. 1, 2005.

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