Debates on Mutilating Corporal Punishments and Theories of Punishment in Traditional Chinese Legal Thought

AuthorNorman P. Ho
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Norman P. HO
One of the most enduring jurisprudential debates throughout Chinese legal history concerned
mutilating corporal punishments (hereinafter referred to as MCPs; in Chinese, rouxing
). MCPswhich can trace their roots back to Chinese high antiquityincluded tattooing on
the face (mo
), amputation of the nose (yi
), amputation of the left foot, right foot, o r
both (yue
), and castration (gong
). MCPs were used by the states throughout the
Warring States Period and into the Qin Dynasty. They were abolished b y Emperor Wen of the
Han Dynasty in 167 B.C. and replaced with punishments such as penal servitude, hard labor,
and beating. However, for several centuries after their abolition, there continued to be calls
by certain officials for the reinstatement of MCPs in the criminal law. This Article sets forth
and explains the recorded key debates (i.e., debates and/or positions of which we have
historical records of what was actually said/written by officials participating in the debates),
starting from the Han Dynasty (i.e., Emperor Wens decision to abolish the MCPs), and
proceeding into the later Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms and Wei-Jin periods, the Tang
Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty. This Article also provides full translations of the debates that
have never (to my best knowledge) been previously translated into English. This Article makes
the following arguments: first, from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, the debates and the
ideas presented therein did not really change (both in the anti-MCP reinstatement and pro-
MCP reinstatement camps), which shows that there was a continuity of views regarding the
purpose of punishment throughout premodern Chinese legal thought. The second argument
connects the MCP debates with the literature on punishment theory more broadly. I argue that
the MCP debatesas a window into understanding Chinese legal thought more generally
show that officials in premodern China justified punishment primarily on what we would
describe as consequentialist bases, using the language of punishment theory scholarship. In
the end, the MCP debates perhaps reveal what is unique about Chinese theories of punishment
(as compared to Western theories of punishment)that punishment was also justified based
on appeals to the authority of history and antiquity.
One of the best ways we can understand the legal thought and
legal culture of any jurisdiction is to identify and examine its
important jurisprudential debates, especially those that continued and
persevered throughout various time periods. Doing so gives us a
glimpse into how actors in the legal system thought about law and
how such beliefs and assumptions about law changed (or remained
static) in the development of that jurisdictions legal system.
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To better understand the development of traditional Chinese law,1
this Article identifies and focuses on one of the most enduring
jurisprudential debates in traditional Chinese law debates on
mutilating corporal punishments (hereinafter referred to as MCPs)
in Chinese law and specifically, whether they should be reinstated in
the penal law. In these debates, MCPs generally referred to the
punishments of tattooing (mo ), amputation of the nose (yi ),
amputation of one (right or left) foot or both feet (yue ), and
castration (gong ). The origins of such MCPs can be traced to the
sage kings in Chinese prehistory, where they were widely used under
the penal laws of the Zhou (1045 221 B.C.) and Qin (221 206
B.C.) dynasties.2 They were officially abolished by Emperor Wen of
the Han Dynasty (r. 180 157 B.C.) in 167 B.C. and replaced with
other punishments.3 However, after Emperor Wens abolition of
MCPs, there were continued calls by various officials at the highest
levels of the government bureaucracy from the Han Dynasty through
the Song Dynasty for the reinstatement of MCPs in the penal law.
They were debated by other high-ranking officials who believed that
MCPs should remain abolished.
This Article sets forth and analyzes the content of such debates
and positions expressed by officials therein that have been recorded
in Chinese historical sources (i.e., the debates over MCPs and
positions expressed therein of which we have sufficiently detailed
historical records of what was actually said and/or written by
officials participating in the debates and not just brief sentences in
the historical record that simply record official A was against
reinstating MCPs)4 starting from the Han Dynasty in 167 B.C.
1 By “traditional Chinese law” (or its various permutations, such as the “traditional Chinese legal
system” or “traditional Chinese l egal thought”), I refer to Chinese law in the period from Chinese
antiquity up to 1911 (i.e., dynastic Chinese law).
2 Geoffrey MacCormack, Punishment: Chinese Law, Overview, 5 THE OXFORD INTERNATIONAL
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LEGAL HISTORY 24, 24-26 (Stanley N. Katz ed., 2009).
4 Unfortunately, historical records do not always give us perfect, complete records of each side in a
debate at a particular point in time, so we may only have the recorded position of only one particular
side in some cases. This, however, does not prevent us from analyzing the various positions in the pro-
and anti-MCP camps and how they have changed over time. This Article does not purport to provide an
account of every single MCP debate from the Han to Song Dynasty. But, I have tried to identify what I
consider to be the major contributions to this debate.
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(Emperor Wens abolition of MCPs), and proceeding into the later
Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms & Jin dynasty, the Tang Dynasty,
and the Song Dynasty.5 This Article specifically identifies and
covers the MCP debates at the following points in time as set forth in
the table6 below (for ease of reference):
Dynasty and Year
Official(s) and Positions
Han Dynasty, 167 B.C.
Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty 汉文帝
Han Dynasty, ~111 A.D.
Ban Gu 班固 (32 92 A.D.) (more pro-
Han Dynasty, ~208 A.D.
Kong Rong 孔融 (153 208 A.D.) (anti-
Jin Dynasty, ~289 A.D.
Liu Song 刘颂 (d. 300 A.D.) (pro-MCP)
Jin Dynasty, ~318 A.D.
Wei Zhan 卫展 (c. 4th century A.D.) (pro-
Wang Dao 王导 (276 339 A.D.), He Xun
贺循 (260 319 A.D.), Ji Zhan 纪瞻 (253
324 A.D.) et al. (pro-MCP)
Diao Xie 刁协 (d. 322 A.D.), Xue Jian
(255 322 A.D.) et al. (lean toward pro-
5 This Article stops at the Song Dynasty (inclusive) as most of the recorded (and most often studied
in the Chinese-language scholarly literature) pivotal debates on MCPs occurred from the Han to Song
dynasties, especially in the Han-Tang transition. This is not to say that there were no debates over the
restitution of MCPs in later dynasties, but they are outside the purview of this Article. To cover every
single Chinese dynasty from the Han Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty would likely require a
book-length treatment.
6 The table below is adapted from the table in Cai Liying (蔡丽影), Xilun Wei Jin Shiqi Huifu
Rouxing zhi Zheng (析论魏晋时期恢复肉刑之争) [An Analysis and Discussion of MCP Debates in the
(2012). I will not reproduce the Chinese characters or birth/death years for the officials in later sections
of t he Article. Note also that the text in brackets in this citation and all other citations to Chinese-
language sources are English translations of the title of t he Chinese-language article, book, and/or
journal. The English translations of c itation information are for reference only. Wherever possible I
have tried to use the English translations actually used by the Chinese-language article, book, and/or
journal (even if such translation has syntax or errors). Otherwise, the titles are translated by myself.
7 In this Article, for the sake of convenience, I use the terms “anti-MCP” to refer to positions which
opposed the reinstatement of MCPs. However, to save space, rather than write out “anti-reinstatement
of MCPs” each time, I have decided to simply use “anti-MCP.”
8 In this Article, for the sake of convenience, I use the terms “pro-MCP” to refer to positions which
supported the reinstatement of MCPs. However, to save space, rather than write out “pro-reinstatement
of MCPs” each time, I have decided to simply use “pro-MCP.”

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