PART XII - Summary and Conclusion

AuthorChamberlam, Austen


It remains only to summanse very briefly the general conclusions at which the members of the delegation have arrived, and the advice which they are prepared to give to the Advisory Committee, as a result of their tour m China, the investigations which they have conducted, and the recommendations and suggestions which it has been their privilege to receive from various organsations, institutions and responsible individuals 1 They advise that a sum of ~850,000 annually be made available for carrying out the general recommendations hereinafter described 2 They advise that the above-mentioned sum be allocated to the following main heads Agricultural Education and Improvement, Scientific Research Education m Medicine and Public Health, Other Educational Purposes 8 They advise that 'Agricultural Education and Improvement' should include forestry and sericulture, famine relief and rural co-operative credit, that ' Scientific Research ' should include provision for an institute of science, that 'Medicine and Public Health' should include hospitals, and that 'Other Educational Purposes' should include expenditure on general educational grants, and perhaps increased grants in aid of the above-mentioned objects The expenses of the Board of Trustees (hereinafter provided for), and the fees of technical and other advisers and experts, will also be chargeable to this last head 4. They advise that the percentages of the available funds, which they estimate at ~850,000 a year, to be allocated to each of the main heads, be as follows Per cent Agricultural education, &c 80

Scientific research 28

Education in medicine and public health and grants to hospitals 17

Other educational purposes, administrative and other expenses 80

These four main heads may be also grouped as follows (t0' Agriculture, 80 per cent., (b) scientific research and medicine 40 per cent, (c) other educational purposes and administration 80 per cent

5 They advise that these percentages be taken by the Board of Trustees as intended for their general guidance, but they consider that the board should not be debarred from transferring a portion of the money available for expenditure under one head to one of the other heads named, if the board consider such transfer desirable in the best interests of the Chinese people 6 They advise that the necessary financial arrangements be made to raise a sum not exceeding ~5,200,000 and not less than 68,500,000 during the years 1927-81 for investment m some constructive work m China beneficial to the people, the proceeds from such investment to be devoted to the purpose of carrying on m perpetuity, after the complete amortisation of the China Indemnitt m 1945, the educational and other work which it is proposed to subslidse, support or encourage (See Dr C C Wang's table m Part III, p 62 ) 7 They advise that the work m question be lallway-constru tion, and among the railway projects which have been brought to their notice they consider that the one which should be preferred provided political and other difficulties are not found to...

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