Solitary Confinement with Chinese Characteristics

󰧤󳠉󳎓󳎓󳊰󱟼󱲂󱰍󱉦󲛷[󰋡󳌬 1+1]󳑣󳎆󰥂󰨆󳎓󰥥󰫌
Eyes Dazzled” Judge was Investigated by Investigative Authority
Henan Province Higher People’s Court President Zhang Liyong revealed in the CNTV
feature program News 1+1 that Shan County People’s Court judge Shui Tao has been
transferred to the investigative authority for investigation. He said, “We cannot help
suspecting that the judge made the illegal judgment because of private relationship or
Besides, according to Henan Province Higher People’s Court’s “Lifetime Responsibility
System for Wrongful Judgment, Lu Binglin, Director of the courts Criminal Division,
was given serious warning by the Shan County CCP under the Regulation on Dealing
with the Violations of Party Discipline, whereas Lei Jianchen, Deputy President of the
court who was in charge of criminal trials, was warned by the Shan County CCP under
the Regulation on Dealing with the Violations of Party Discipline.
Chinese Legal Studies Abroad
Solitary Confinement with Chinese Characteristics
Duihua Foundation,
󱚲󳌞󰍠󰑴󱄷󱡝 19 󲣟󰑐󳌥 2012 3󰐹6󰌖󲕽󱎵󰩬󱎵󳗉
󱸒贷󳌙󰋠 2011 8󰐹󱶅󰄁󱎵󱢱󱜡󰑐

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