Solitary Confinement with Chinese Characteristics

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85 󱎵󲭛󰒒󰡯󱎵󲴡󳏅󱛬󲤴
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2008 󱶅󲺨󳌟󳗉󰾪󰐭󳐨贷󲤫󱈗󲤥󱚲󳌞󰐱
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Solitary Confinement with Chinese Characteristics
Solitary confinement was the theme of a side event held during the 19th session of the
Human Rights Council on March 6, 2012. It is a widespread and global practice, but the
event focused most extensively on abuses in the United States. China was given no verbal
mention but was referenced once in a report that served as a catalyst for the event. In
his August 2011 report to the United Nations General Assembly (hereafter, the interim
report), Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan E. Méndez mentioned China as an example
of a country where solitary confinement is used against people considered risks to
national securityin this case a woman was allegedly held under solitary confinement
for two years.
Her case was previously written up by the special rapporteur’s predecessor, Manfred
Nowak, who was invited by the Chinese government to conduct a mission to China in
late 2005. During the mission, Nowak noted several records and claims of solitary
confinement in prisons, detention centers, and reeducation through labor (RTL) facilities
that spanned from three weeks to two yearsall exceeding domestic and international
limits. His report also includes notes from a November 2005 interview with rights activist
and petitioner Mao Hengfeng detailing allegations of torture by police. Eight months

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