Some Words Written in a Time of Crisis

AuthorEditorial Board
Some Words Written in a Time of Crisis
As final edits were underway to the first issue of this new journal, the coronavirus pandemic’s
brutal assault has been deep, affecting and reshaping our world. The coronavirus pandemic has
killed people, changed the ways we live, and presented more challenges to our governance and
legal systems in unprecedented ways. In this time of crisis, we need to profoundly reflect on
our entire governance system, not only on the economic, political and legal systems, but also
on our health care, poverty relief and international cooperative schemes.
Unfortunately, while we are supposed to closely work together to defeat this coronavirus, our
world is indeed falling apart because of this coronavirus. The international institutions such as
the World Health Organization, the European Union and others do not play a predominant role
in uniting and rescuing the people from the coronavirus pandemic. Rather, the countries of the
world are more polarized, the world system is more fragmented, and the globe is more de-
globalized. Unilateralism and populism appear to be becoming the mainstream ideology of our
time after the progressive globalization of the past several decades. In addition, the countries
and the people are in an information asymmetry, and transnational private litigations have been
initiated intentionally, but not based on legal merits, to seek compensation for losses caused by
the pandemic. This is evidence that demonstrates that populism dominates the public domain
In this first issue of this very new journal, we managed to have seven Chinese legal scholars
present their views and analyses of relevant legal issues they have been working on. The topics
covered in this issue range from trade treaty, regional cooperation, to territorial disputes and
the functionality of the World Health Organization and International Criminal Court. These
works reflect the voices of Chinese scholars looking at this world from their own perspectives.
In the time of crisis, we need more patience than ever to appreciate and respect others’ views
and opinions. This can enrich our knowledge and broaden our vision. But the dialogue is not
supposed to stop here. This journal is launched with the aim of bringing more voices into this
much needed dialogue. Scholars are navigating some of the emotional currents that have
become dominant in the world. Science, morality and rule of law shall be the key tone of our
Editorial Board
May 4, 2020

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